ZONE, a synth created by synth enthusiast Sharooz Raoofi that allows you to add an infinite number of sequencers, is 25% off.
Sharooz Raoofi, founder of Sample Magic, Attack Magazine and Sounds to Sample, created this synthesizer.
Sharooz Raoofi has been collecting different synths for 20 years and had a vision to bring them all together.
The result is a wave table synthesizer.
In addition to the elaborate synth waveforms, analog-modelled filters, and an infinitely expandable sequencer, this feature allows for quick and complex expressions. This feature allows you to create complex expressions quickly and intuitively.
It has a wonderful hardware like quality, as you’d expect from a synth-obsessed artist.
New Features in Version 1.2.0
- No external license management software
- 70 new presets (totaling 590)!
- Full NKS integration
- Easy custom wavetable import from within Zone’s GUI
- Improved CPU performance of up to 20%
- Waveforms are now assignable to lanes and macros
- Ring modulation is now available as an Insert Effect
- Dedicated reset option for Zone’s modulation matrix
- Parameters can now be dragged to the modulation matrix
- Several GUI improvements
Regular price $115 on sale for only $86.