Singomakers “Phat Booster” released, a plug-in that adds fatness and power to the sound with simple usage

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Singomakers “Phat Booster” released, a plug-in that adds fatness and power to the sound with simple usage.


Phat Booster

Phat Booster is a one-knob plugin with 4 different algorithms to add fatness and power to your sound.

Expect to find 4 different Algorithms (modes), Tone Fader, Phase Reverse Button and Pre-Fader Filters (Off / 45 hz cut / 60 hz cut).

Phat Booster is a powerful tool to add some fatness to basses, synths, drums and even powerful low-end to vocals.

  • 4 Modes / Algorithms 
  • scalable design
  • Input Volume +6 -12 db
  • Output Volume +6 – 12 
  • Tone Fader
  • Phase Reverse Button
  • Pre-Fader Filters (Off / 45 Hz cut / 60 Hz cut)

Regular price $40 on sale for only $20.

Phat Booster

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