(FREE) Caio M. Jiacomini “Vendaval”, a sound source that models the sound of the wind, is now available for free

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Caio M. Jiacomini “Vendaval”, a sound source that models the sound of the wind, is now available for free.



Vendaval is an audio synthesizer plugin that models the sounds of wind by filtering pink noise in several different ways. 

While those formats don’t work in Pro Tools, you can use a VST wrapper plugin like DDMF’s Metaplugin or BlueCat’s Patchwork to use them in Pro Tools.

You must have Csound installed for the plugin to work. I’ve included Csound installation files as well as instructions in the download.

I provide this plugin free of charge. If you’d be so kind, I’d be thankful for any donations you might be inclined to make if you appreciate my work.

  • Four different algorithms modeling the sound of wind wooing, gusts, background whooshes, and a low rumble, with independent controls for each sound
  • All parameters are automable in a DAW
  • MIDI triggered
  • ADSR volume envelope


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