D16 Group is having a Holiday Sale. 40% off all products including bundles.
It has 1,100 samples, 800 presets, and engines from the TR-909, TR-808, and TR-606. All kinds of kick sounds can be generated.
It comes with a vast and elaborate library of presets and sounds created by industry-standard sound designers Sounds of Revolution and CFA-Sound, making it a ready-to-use drum instrument.
Regular price $85 on sale for only $51.
This is a synthesizer that emulates the RolandSH-101.
Regular price $165 on sale for only $99.
It’s a very smooth and complete plugin.
Regular price $65 on sale for only $39.
Classic Boxes Collection

Roland’s legendary drum and bass machine bundle, the D16 “Classic Boxes Collection Loyalty” is also eligible for 40% off.
The bundle includes Phoscyon, Drumazon, Nepheton and Nithonat.
Regular price $329 on sale for only $197.
D16 Group Total Bundle

All plugin bundles of D16.
Regular price $1,029 on sale for only $617.
Other deals. D16 Group Holiday Sale