30% OFF on PreSonus “Studio One 5”, the intuitive DAW software.
Includes various upgrades and cross-grades.
Studio One 5
Studio One 5, the popular DAW software, is now available.
A number of powerful features have been added and innovated to make it even more sophisticated.
Record, produce, compose, mix, master, and perform all from a single, intuitive application. Designed with ease of use at its core, Studio One® 5 is your creative partner from studio to stage. The Start Page provides what you need to begin your creative process, including a dashboard with all your songs, projects, and shows, plus a personalized user profile that allows you to add custom metadata to all your creations.
The GUI for the Presonus native plug-ins included in Studio One 5 has undergone a major overhaul.

What’s New in Version 5:
- NEW! Show Page. Studio One’s new Show Page lets you add backing tracks, virtual instruments, and plug-in racks for live musicians all from a single, intuitive, drag-and-drop interface that can easily receive content directly from any track on the Studio One Song Page.
- NEW! Score View. Based on our award-winning Notion composition and notation software, the new Score View lets you enter, view, and edit notes using standard notation.
- NEW! Clip Gain Envelopes. The newly-added Clip Gain Envelope is the perfect tool for correcting sections of audio that are either too loud or too soft, without adding a compressor or limiter plug-in.
- NEW! Melodyne Essential 5 integration. The new Melodyne Essential 5 adds vastly improved vocal editing tools, integrated chord detection and a chord grid.
- NEW! Redesigned Native Effects™ plug-in suite. The complete suite of Studio One’s Native Effect plug-ins has a fresh new look and some amazing new features. Several plug-ins—including Analog Delay, Rotor and Tricomp—have been updated with a State Space Modeled drive stage for natural analogue saturation.
- NEW! Extended Mixer Scenes. Capture your entire console state and recall the entire mixer scenes or selectively recall Volume, Pan, Mute, Inserts, Sends, and more on any or every channel.
- NEW! Aux Channels. A new channel type that allows any external instruments and audio sources to be fed into Studio One®’s mixer without the need to create an audio track that clutters your session.
- NEW! Independent Listen Bus. Use the Listen Bus to provide a control room feed, independent of the main output, with its own level control, AFL/PFL solo option, and insert slots for your favorite room calibration plug-ins.
- NEW! Key Switches and Note Controllers support. Key switches are now filtered and excluded from any type of playback processing, and Studio One now supports Note Controllers and MIDI Polyphonic Expression
- NEW! MTC/MMC Sync. Studio One can now be synced to external hardware devices via MIDI Time Code.
Regular price $399 on sale for only $279.
Regular price $99 on sale for only $69.
Regular price $149 on sale for only $105.
Studio One 5 Professional Upgrade from Professional/Producer
Regular price $299 on sale for only $209.
Studio One 5 Professional Upgrade from Artist
Regular price $49 on sale for only $35.
Studio One 5 Artist Upgrade from Artist
Regular price $299 on sale for only $209.
Studio One 5 Professional Crossgrade (from any DAW)
If you own an existing DAW but would like to switch over to the most intuitive recording software on the planet, the Studio One Crossgrade was created just for you. All you need to do is provide proof of ownership for the other DAW, such as original purchase receipt, UPC code (bar code on the outside of the box), or screenshot of your user account with the other DAW showing the software registered to your name. Electronic receipts are acceptable.
Qualifying DAWs include:
- Cubase 9 or higher
- Pro Tools 11 or higher
- Nuendo 8 or higher
- Logic Pro 9 or higher
- Sonar X2 or higher
- Live 9 or higher
- Digital Performer 9 or higher
- Acid Pro 9 or higher
- Reason 10 or higher
- Reaper 5 or higher
- Samplitude Pro X4 or higher
- Mixcraft 8 or higher
- FL Studio 12 or higher
- Bitwig Studio 2 or higher
- Tracktion Waveform 10 or higher
- Notion 6
The submission of each proof is done at the official website of Presonus. Please check the details as they are also provided.