80% off WaveDNA “Liquid Rhythm” plug-in that automatically generates melodies, chords, scales, and drum tracks

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80% off WaveDNA “Liquid Rhythm” plug-in that automatically generates melodies, chords, scales, and drum tracks.


Liquid Rhythm

Access the components of 10 trillion rhythm patterns, import existing MIDI tracks created in your DAW, and mine Liquid Rhythm’s library of loops and kits to quickly create inspirational rhythm tracks.

Longer rhythm patterns of bars can be inserted and swapped in and out in an instant to develop musical ideas.

Key feature

  • Paint groups of notes directly on the arranger to quickly create beats.
  • Simultaneously humanize the velocity and groove of multiple notes based on their underlying color pattern.
  • Generate musically influenced rhythm patterns from a customizable palette
  • Create a multi-instrument percussion pattern with Tom Phil.
  • Incorporate Liquid Rhythm into your workflow as a VST, AU, RTAS plugin.

Regular price $99 on sale for only $19.99.

Liquid Rhythm

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