Voxengo is having a EQ Sale.
“PrimeEQ”, “GlissEQ”, “Curve EQ”, “HarmoniEQ” are each 30% OFF.
PrimeEQ is a parametric equalizer plug-in for professional music production applications.
PrimeEQ was designed to be the first equalizer to reach for when a track or mix equalization is necessary: just insert the plug-in, put and drag the control points to the desired positions.
PrimeEQ implements an extremely optimized user interface. It features an innovative “differential” filter display which shows you how exactly a given selected filter contributes to the overall EQ shape.
All control points are placed on the overall EQ shape making the workflow with this equalizer fast and efficient.
PrimeEQ is similar to CurveEQ in this respect except that PrimeEQ uses independent parametric filters instead of a continuous EQ curve.
- Track equalizer
- Voice streaming equalizer plugin
- Mastering equalizer
- Stereo, 5.1 surround equalizer
- FFT spectrum analyzer
- Transparent equalizer
- Extremely optimized workflow
- New “differential” filter display
- Real-time spectrum analysis
- Up to 32 parametric filter bands
- 13 filter types
- Narrow-band sweeping
- User interface window resizing
- Stereo and multi-channel processing
- 64-bit floating-point processing
- Preset manager
- Undo/redo history
- All sample rates support
- Zero processing latency
- Retina and High DPI support
Regular price $49.95 on sale for only $34.96.
GlissEQ is a parametric equalizer plug-in for professional music production applications.
The most interesting and unique feature of GlissEQ is the dynamic behavior of its filters.
GlissEQ is when you specify a 6 dB boost at 100 Hz, you don’t necessarily get a 6 dB increase in gain.
Instead, the filter’s effective gain is adjusted dynamically according to the program material.
That is what we mean by dynamic filtering and it is the key to GlissEQ.
- Filters with dynamic behavior
- Up to 32 parametric filter bands
- Narrow-band sweeping
- User interface window resizing
- Channel grouping
- 64-bit floating point processing
- A/B comparisons
- Zero processing latency
- Real-time spectrum analysis
- 16 filter types
- EQ area highlight
- Stereo and multi-channel processing
- Mid/side processing
- Preset manager
- Contextual hint messages
- Real-time spectrum import/export
- Harmonically-enhanced filter type
- Static spectrums display
- Internal channel routing
- Up to 8x oversampling
- Undo/redo history
- All sample rates support
Regular price $69.95 on sale for only $48.96.
Curve EQ
CurveEQ is a spline equalizer for professional music and audio production applications.
CurveEQ shows you the actual filter response you are designing by means of a spline (a smooth curvy line), so you can actually see what the EQ is doing with the sound.
This, in turn, allows you to get the best from your mix and your tracks.
CurveEQ perfectly suits the needs of mastering.
- 3 EQ curves per channel group
- Freeform EQ curve drawing mode
- Stereo and multi-channel processing
- Mid/side processing
- Undo/redo history
- All sample rates support
- Linear- and minimum-phase filtering
- CSV file import/export
- Internal channel routing
- 64-bit floating point processing
- A/B comparisons
- 53 ms compensated processing latency
- Spectrum matching
- Real-time FFT spectrum analyzer
- Channel grouping
- Preset manager
- Contextual hint messages
Regular price $79.95 on sale for only $55.96.

HarmoniEQ is a parametric, harmonically-enhanced equalizer plug-in for professional music production applications.
Harmonic enhancement HarmoniEQ applies to the sound is an inherent element of its overall sonic quality.
HarmoniEQ also features dynamic equalization modes that offer you a vast palette of sound-shaping capabilities, suitable for mastering.
- Harmonically-enhanced equalizer
- 7 parametric filter bands
- Internal channel routing
- Up to 8x oversampling
- Undo/redo history
- All sample rates support
- Dynamic equalizing
- Narrow-band sweeping
- Channel grouping
- 64-bit floating point processing
- A/B comparisons
- 11 ms compensated processing latency
- Real-time spectrum analysis
- Stereo and multi-channel processing
- Mid/side processing
- Preset manager
Compatible Windows and macOS plugin software: Cubase, Logic Pro, ProTools, Ableton Live, Reaper, Presonus Studio One, FL Studio, Cakewalk, Nuendo, WaveLab, GarageBand, Vegas, SoundForge, Audition, Samplitude, Digital Performer, Mixcraft, Bitwig Studio, Edius, others.
Regular price $59.95 on sale for only $41.96.