A special bundle of hybrid acoustic and synthetic instruments, Karanyi Sounds “Karanyi Scoring Toolkit” is 54% OFF.
Karanyi Scoring Toolkit
Continuo is a complex-sounding cinematic texture designer tool based on electric guitars for creating endless pads, unusual soundscapes, characteristic atmospheres and experimental sublayers especially for film, video game and electronic music.
All slots feature four EQs, a vintage effects slow-less-three rotator and classic phaser, and a Lexicon-style reverb.
The master section features an SSL-style channel EQ, glue compressor and master limiter.
Budapest Abstract Marimba
Contemporary sounding Budapest Marimba designed for creating fast sequences and inspiring tremolo beds for contemporary sound production.
Unlike traditional marimba libraries, Karanyi focused on transient rich, bright sounds and they also added some synth and ambience sublayers to fit in any genres from electronic, jazz to film score.
Synths II Abyss
Four analog synthesizer waveforms, including the moog minitaur and the Oberheim Matrix 1000, are included in this sound source. The texture of the hardware is reproduced at a high level. The 3D effect is amazing.
4 Analog Synth Sources

- Oberheim Matrix 6
- Oberheim Matrix 1000
- Moog Minitaur
- Moog Sub37
A number of outboards from Neve and Lexicon were used to create the sound. It was recorded using a Universal Audio Apollo 8p. Capacity is 4.6 GB (9.2 GB uncompressed).
Over 230 presets are available.
The Full Version of Kontakt 5.8.1 is required in order to run this software.
Regular price $130 on sale for only $59.4.
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