Sub bass plug-in that enriches the low frequency range, United Plugins “SubBass Doctor 808” is 50% OFF.
SubBass Doctor 808
Treating the lowest frequencies is not an easy task. And in some listening environments, it is almost impossible. If you mix while travelling or your mixing room or your system is not 110% perfect, you should see the doctor. Namely SubBass Doctor 808.
To accentuate the low frequencies and to add extra warmth SubBass Doctor 808 adds pleasant parallel saturation. This helps the sub-bass to set off and astonish the audience.
As the name suggests SubBass Doctor 808 is mainly designed for synth bass and drums.
But it is essential when mixing other instruments that reach really low – such as low-B five-string bass or double bass.
Regular price $71.5 on sale for only $35.2.