Drum Sound of 1970’s Doom Metal & Rock, Ugritone “Vintage Doom Drums” is 89% OFF

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Drum Sound of 1970’s Doom Metal & Rock, Ugritone “Vintage Doom Drums” is 89% OFF.


Vintage Doom Drums

Drum Sound of 1970’s Doom Metal & Rock at the tip of your fingers!

Vintage Doom Drums gives you access to Drum tones of the 1970’s Doom Metal, Rock & Jazz.
Hard-hitting library with a vintage feel.

Small yet ethereal room sound, calfskin heads, 100-year old snares, big diameter cymbals.

Shape it anyway you like, enhance it anyway you like.

Interface & Mixing Features

The graphic user interface allows you to process the kit individually or in groups.

You can adjust Gain, Pan & individual Mic levels per each and every drum.

Meaning that you can nail the perfect blend of close mics, adjust the levels for overheads, room & FX channels.

Total control over every channel. You can blend IR’s to either replace the Room sound or enhance it.

Preset list:

  • 1974BlackMetal
  • FunkyDoom
  • JazzyDoom
  • ModernDoom
  • TightDryStudio
  • VintageDoom

Regular price $49 on sale for only $5.

Use coupon code “PLUGINPICKS” for an additional 20% OFF.

You can purchase it for $4.

Vintage Doom Drums ( Ugritone )

The coupon code “PLUGINPICKS” can be used for all products. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Farewell SALE ( Ugritone )

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