Glitch sampler machine plugin, Glitchmachines “Polygon 2” 87% OFF

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Glitch sampler machine plugin, Glitchmachines “Polygon 2” 87% OFF.


Polygon 2

Polygon 2.0 features a fully re-designed scalable user interface and we have completely revamped nearly every aspect of the plugin.

Polygon’s new granular mode will catapult your samples into uncharted realms while its clean and logical interface, extensive modulation options and powerful new dual oscillator make it an invaluable tool for music production and creative sound design.

Polygon 2.0 brings sound designers and musicians a powerful new sound sculpting instrument.

  • 4 Granular Samplers
  • Dual Oscillator with FM
  • 4 Modulation Sequencers
  • 8 LFOs
  • Modulation Utilities
  • Dual Insert Effects per Sampler
  • Global Filter
  • Dual Global Effects
  • Comprehensive Randomizer
  • Variable Polyphony
  • Specially Curated Factory Sample Bank
  • 100 Factory Presets

Regular price $86.9 on sale for only $11.

Polygon 2 ( Plugin Boutique )

There are many other great products available. Please check them out.

Glitchmachines Boutique Week Sale ( Plugin Boutique )

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