[FREE] A digital synthesizer that reproduces the sound of traditional Japanese instruments, SampleScience “Virtual Suiko” is available for free

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A digital synthesizer that reproduces the sound of traditional Japanese instruments, SampleScience “Virtual Suiko” is available for free.


Virtual Suiko

The Suiko VS-1 is a digital synthesizer that reproduces the sound of traditional Japanese instruments.

It features eight voices: Bell, Choir, Flute, Horn, Mystery, Shamisen, Strings, and Violin.

The synthesizer is designed partly as a tool for learning koto scales and also to soundtrack shigin, which are poetry performances.

Virtual Suiko has all the original 8 sounds of the instrument plus 4 effects, a multi-LFO, highpass/lowpass filter and more!

  • 8 Suiko VS-1 Sounds
  • 4 effects: distortion, delay, chorus, and reverb
  • Multi-LFO
  • Glide
  • Highpass/Lowpass filter
  • Amplitude range controls
  • 3 voice modes: poly, mono and legato

Virtual Suiko ( SampleScience )

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