Quadruples your audio with four-way chorus processing, W.A.Production “Orchid” is 87% OFF

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Quadruples your audio with four-way chorus processing, W.A.Production “Orchid” is 87% OFF.



This is chorus on steroids.

Taking inspiration from the thick and wet studio processing of the 1980’s, Orchid is your quick-fix way to solve the problem of thin and weedy audio.

Fatten up synths, basses, guitars, vocals or drums and add depth, richness and harmonic structure.

Whereas most other chorus plugins only double the signal, Orchid quadruples your audio with four-way chorus processing, taking your productions to the next level.

  • Chorus on steroids
  • 4-way chorus processing
  • Multiple additional parameters
  • Delay, Filtering & Reverb
  • Harmonic generation via Shimmer dial
  • Visual feedback
  • Pop & click free bypass
  • Responsive & CPU friendly
  • Factory presets
  • Full PDF Manual & Tutorial video

Regular price $43.89 on sale for only $5.5.

Orchid ( Plugin Boutique )

There are many other great products available. Please check them out.

Spring Sale ( W.A.Production )

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