Designed for getting amazing results quickly and easily, Softube “Tube-Tech Blue Tone” is 40% OFF

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Designed for getting amazing results quickly and easily, Softube “Tube-Tech Blue Tone” is 40% OFF.


Tube-Tech Blue Tone

True-Blue Sound With Lightning-Fast Workflow

Blue Tone packs an incredible amount of processing into a simple interface.

Behind a few easy-to-dial-in knobs lies the powerful multiband compression of Tube-Tech SMC 2B and the legendary Pultec-style EQs Tube-Tech PE 1C and ME 1B.

Blue Tone is designed for getting amazing results quickly and easily without needing to start from zero and dial in multiple parameters in multiple plug-ins on each bus or channel.

Eight unique modes let users quickly handle critical mix and bus tasks that range from the low-end EQ trick to classic vocal compression sounds, multiband widening, fattening up of tracks, and more.

All that is needed is to select a mode and dial the amount to get the sound the pros use within seconds.

Simple and fast. Authentic and powerful. Get the best of Softube and Tube-Techdistilled into one easy-to-use plug-in. Hit the perfect note with Tube-Tech Blue Tone by Softube.


  • NEW: Tube-Tech Blue Tone
  • Renowned Tube-Tech sound with easy-to-use controls
  • The authentic, officially licensed sound of Tube-Tech
  • Featuring the multiband compression of Tube-Tech SMC 2B and the flexible, musical equalization of PE 1C and ME 1B
  • Eight sound-enhancing modes:
    • Vocal Clarity
    • Vocal Focus
    • Mix Bus
    • Mix Bus (Wide)
    • Drum Bus
    • Bass Instruments
    • Keys/Guitar
    • Stereo Guitars (Wide)

Regular price $108.9 on sale for only $64.9.

Tube-Tech Blue Tone ( Plugin Boutique )

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