Comprehensive loudness normaliser, Signum Audio “Bute Loudness Normaliser” is 60% OFF

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Comprehensive loudness normaliser, Signum Audio “Bute Loudness Normaliser” is 60% OFF.


BUTE Loudness Normaliser

The BUTE Normaliser is a high-end standalone application.

A plugin that automatically normalizes the target level to the platform. As you can see from the video, it’s incredibly useful.

  • Hit target levels for multiple platforms easily
  • Useful when you are facing tight deadlines
  • Deliver loudness compliant audio to streaming platforms, where standards are a recommendation rather than a regulation
  • Optimise dynamics for streaming content

Bute is fully compliant with all revisions of ITU-R BS. 1770, EBU R128, ATSC A/85, OP-59, ARIB TR-B32, Spotify, YouTube, Apple Check, Hulu, Netflix (including the latest revision), TIDAL, Sony Gaming (ASWG), AES Streaming Recommendation, US Public Radio (PRSS), TIDAL and Pandora.

MCompare is the only plugin that allows you to compare masters with selected reference tracks, dry mixes, different stages of the mastering chain, and even different versions of the mastering chain.

It’s all done with one click. It doesn’t get any easier than this.

Regular price $130.9 on sale for only $51.7.

BUTE Loudness Normaliser ( Plugin Boutique )

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