A plugin for building chords and progression patterns through random processing, Audiomodern “Chordjam” is 30% OFF

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A plugin for building chords and progression patterns through random processing, Audiomodern “Chordjam” is 30% OFF.



Chordjam is an innovative plugin that builds chords and progression patterns through intuitive user-guided randomization.

It automatically randomizes a unique combination of parameters, serving up unpredictable but always-musical variations.

Choose from a variety of scale types, Chord types, voicing parameters, rhythms and progressions or have its powerful sequencer conjure up unlimited progression patterns for you, based on any combination of settings, serving up unpredictable but always-musical variations.

Create unique and complex chord structures and infinitely evolving progressions.

Regular price $53.9 on sale for only $37.4.

Chordjam ( Plugin Boutique )

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Audiomodern Summer Sale ( Plugin Boutique )

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