A unique sound that no other synthesizer can achieve, Waldorf “Nave” is 50% OFF

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A unique sound that no other synthesizer can achieve, Waldorf “Nave” is 50% OFF.



The featured-packed Nave comes pre-packed with superb sounds, ranging from spatial pads to vivid wavetable scans and cutting leads to solid basses, but, above and beyond that, also an abundance of incredibly imaginative sound worlds – many of them professionally produced by some of the top sound designers around.

As a synthesizer thoroughbred at heart, Nave really represents a phenomenal playground for sound creation creativity.

Its oscillators offer expanded wavetable functionality with elaborate editing facilities and an extremely effective speech synthesizer.

Anyone at all familiar with Waldorf software instruments will immediately feel right at home with the typical Waldorf workflow where sound shaping modules are always directly accessible and all Arpeggiator, Envelopes, Effects, and Modulation Matrix management controls are only one push of a virtual button away.

Nave compliments its standard yet classy chromatic keyboard with groundbreaking blades and pads to control the sound in different ways.

Regular price $165 on sale for only $82.5.

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Nave ( Plugin Boutique )

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