Multiband Vocal Processor, DJ Swivel “The Sauce” is 50% OFF

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Multiband Vocal Processor, DJ Swivel “The Sauce” is 50% OFF.


The Sauce

This powerful multi-band vocal processor is overseen by Grammy award-winning producer and mixing engineer DJ Swivel.

Quickly add flavour to vocals, beats, synths and other instruments, as well as create the popular vocal chop effects heard on many of today’s hits.

Eight different effects are included.

  • Pitch & Formant Shifting
  • Harmonic Saturation & Distortion
  • Chorus & Flanger Modulation
  • Compression
  • Reverb
  • Delay
  • Stereo Imaging
  • Multiband Processing
  • Filters
  • Save & Recall Presets

Regular price $149 on sale for only $74.5.

The Sauce ( PluginFox )

The Sauce ( Plugin Boutique )

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