The recreation of a rare suitcase model electric piano used by many famous rock bands in the early 70’s, Sampleson “Electrix” is 50% OFF

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The recreation of a rare suitcase model electric piano used by many famous rock bands in the early 70’s, Sampleson “Electrix” is 50% OFF.



Electrix is the recreation of a rare suitcase model electric piano used by many famous rock bands in the early 70’s.

Electrix Piano’s is a sound modelled instrument and was made recreating every single detail from a legendary EP.

Main sound, noises, releases, tines, resonance and effects has been carefully integrated into a serious dynamic range instrument.

Electrix is the result of more than 1200 hours of develop and testing.

Regular price $22 on sale for only $11.

Electrix ( Plugin Boutique )

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