Channel Strip Plugin, Nomad Factory “Blue Tubes Analog TrackBox” is 81% OFF

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Channel Strip Plugin, Nomad Factory “Blue Tubes Analog TrackBox” is 81% OFF.


Blue Tubes Analog TrackBox

The Tube-Emulator section has the unique option of being able to switch between two different sounding tube options from Single-Triode to Dual-Triode.

The independent Amount and Color controls permit overdrive of the Tube-Emulator stage to vary the harmonic content of the signal.

The Gate/Expander section tames the noise floor so that you hear only the audio you want to keep.

This fully-adjustable gate/expander reduces (or cuts) the signal if the level becomes too low (as determined by the Gate Threshold setting). This controls unwanted background noise on the track(s).

Like a compressor, the Attack and Release controls determine how fast the gate opens and closes.

The Compressor section, derived from our popular Blue Tubes Compressor CP2S emulates analog compressors in terms of looks, functions, and warm analog sound found in vintage compressors to provide the classic feedback response unique to the characteristics of the Blue Tubes Analog TrackBox.

Regular price $99 on sale for only $19.

Blue Tubes Analog TrackBox ( PluginFox )

There are many other great products available. Please check them out.

Nomad Factory Deals ( PluginFox )

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