An inspired by the 4-track cassette recorder, Aberrant DSP “SketchCassette II” is 33% OFF

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An inspired by the 4-track cassette recorder, Aberrant DSP “SketchCassette II” is 33% OFF.


SketchCassette II

Inspired by 4-track cassette recorders, ​SketchCassette II ​is designed to introduce a wide array of lo-fi effects into your mixes.

From subtle warble to unearthed-from-the-attic destruction, ​SketchCassette II unlocks the full range of cheap tape sounds, while also offering the flexibility and control to push your sounds even further into total lo-fi weirdness.

  • 12 unique tape type & quality profiles
  • Age modelling with continuous control
  • 2 Tape Saturation models: A (gentle), B (harsh)
  • Tape hiss
  • Dropouts with newly extended Stereo Width control
  • Highly adjustable Wow & Flutter section, including:
    • Tempo Syncing to DAW
    • An “FM Mode” which allows you to modulate the Flutter Rate with the Wow controls
    • Flanging
  • Noise-reduction encoding compression with controls over Brightness & Amount
  • Mix controls for Tape Filtering and Compression
  • Custom preset system with 61 factory presets showcasing SketchCassette II’s versatility

Regular price $39.6 on sale for only $26.4.

SketchCassette II ( Plugin Boutique )

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