A sequencer that randomly generates MIDI, Audiomodern “Riffer” is 61% OFF

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A sequencer that randomly generates MIDI, Audiomodern “Riffer” is 61% OFF.



Riffer is a sequencer plug-in that randomly generates MIDI patterns for sequences, melodies, riffs, etc.

It can be exported to a DAW via drag and drop.

  • Generate random riffs
  • Everything is synced to your host tempo
  • 53 scales included from western to eastern
  • Create & save your own scales
  • Choose the number of notes generated
  • Set the number of root notes based on a chosen scale
  • Generate pattern pitch, duration & volume per note
  • Tile or sustain paused notes
  • Lock individual notes or whole steps
  • Quick-export MIDI patterns
  • Quick transpose whole pattern
  • Quick load preset section
  • Choose quantization settings
  • Shuffle & Shift mode
  • Advanced Infinity mode
  • Set sequence range & motion settings
  • Set range for pitch, duration and velocity
  • Save & load your own patterns
  • Send MIDI to any device, software & hardware
  • Advanced MIDI CC/Mapping editor
  • No two patterns will ever be the same
  • The only plugin available of its kind!
  • Resizable GUI

New Features for v3.0

  • Polyphonic Mode / Multi-Riff Engine
  • Density Function
  • MIDI Input/Performance Mode
  • MIDI Learn
  • Share presets across devices (Desktop/iOS)
  • Performance improvements

Regular price $53.9 on sale for only $20.9.

Riffer ( Plugin Boutique )

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