Plug-in that accurately models the Roland Juno-106, Cherry Audio “DCO-106” is 34% OFF

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Plug-in that accurately models the Roland Juno-106, Cherry Audio “DCO-106” is 34% OFF.



DCO-106 lovingly recreates the unique sonic footprint of one of the most iconic 80’s polysynths in exhaustive detail, while adding modern features for massively expanded creativity. 

The DCO-106 is both easy to understand and powerful to explore, creating a massive array of sonic landscapes, cutting lead sounds, warm and hazy pads, punchy synthetic electro drums, and far more.

  • Every aspect precisely modeled in exact detail.
  • 330+ presets, including original 106 Factory Presets.
  • Up to 16-voice polyphony.
  • Rich stereo chorus.
  • Three lush reverb modes, gorgeous new proprietary reverb algorithm.
  • Full-featured delay section with tempo sync.
  • Multiple voice assign modes.
  • Single-key chord memory mode.
  • Expanded LFO section with six waveforms and tempo sync.
  • Unison detune for massive lead and bass sounds.
  • MPE support.
  • Full MIDI control.
  • Full DAW automation for all controls.
  • Fully compatible with original 106 SysEx commands.

Regular price $31.9 on sale for only $20.9.

DCO-106 ( Plugin Boutique )

There are many other great products available. Please check them out.

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