Intelligent Multiband Compressor, Softube “Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor” is 41% OFF

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Intelligent Multiband Compressor, Softube “Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor” is 41% OFF.


Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor

A multi-band compressor designed to improve the mix with minimal adjustments, based on the FET Compressor Drawmer 1973.

Choose from 10 different styles to tweak to suit your material. It’s quite a cheat plug-in, as there are very few items to manipulate and it’s good right off the bat.

  • Built-in mastering processing techniques.
  • Lifts your mixes to the next level.
  • Great Drawmer compressor analog sound.
  • Parallel compression.
  • No USB iLok key required

Regular price $89 on sale for only $52.

Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor ( Plugin Boutique )

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