Powerful Four-Oscillator Vector Synthesiser, Rob Papen “Vecto” is 25% OFF

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Powerful Four-Oscillator Vector Synthesiser, Rob Papen “Vecto” is 25% OFF.



Vecto is a powerful Four-Oscillator Vector Synthesiser that allows the to draw in vector paths to shape the sound in many different ways.

Included in the package are a huge selection of oscillator waves, sampled waveforms, multiple modulation options and preset vector paths to help create unique and distinctive sounds.

  • 4 Oscillator Vector Synthesiser
  • Granular resynthesis of the samples with a grain On/Off,  grain size, length & randomization
  • Over 1300 Premium Presets
  • Central XY Controller for dynamic sound mixing 
  • 28 Filter Slots with a variety of high-quality effects processors
  • 2 Effects Processors
  • Wide variety of Waveforms including Classic Analog Models, Additive, Spectrum and Samples
  • Classic-Style Arpeggiator
  • 200% size GUI option, for users of 4k screens.
  • New Play Modes –  Poly MPE, Mono Hi / Lo, Legato Hi / Lo

Regular price $49 on sale for only $36.75.

Vecto ( Plugin Boutique )

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