Dives into the world of fantasy and animation, adding depth and delicacy to your musical palette, ProjectSAM “Symphobia 3: Lumina” is 30% OFF

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Dives into the world of fantasy and animation, adding depth and delicacy to your musical palette, ProjectSAM “Symphobia 3: Lumina” is 30% OFF.


Symphobia 3: Lumina

Featuring full orchestra, choir, smaller ensembles and a wide range of guest instruments, Symphobia 3: Lumina dives into the world of fantasy, mystery, and animation, adding depth and delicacy to your musical palette.

ProjectSAM is well-known for its ensemble recording concept, and Lumina trumps this with even finer arrangements.

The warmth and beauty of orchestra and choir performing together have been captured in stunning, playable ensembles.

Moreover, Lumina is packed with superbly orchestrated textures covering the full spectrum of fantasy and mystery.

Refined with grand piano, harp, and percussion, these recordings are truly luminous.

Lumina’s solo and guest instruments range from legato woodwinds, such as oboe and clarinet, to a beautifully sampled Celtic harp, tin whistle and… a full bell tower!

The library also pays homage to the playful world of cartoons with dedicated ensembles and phrases for careful tiptoeing and tongue-in-cheek suspense.

The 1.6 Edition of Symphobia 3: Lumina offers over 16 new features, including improved control over articulation locking, legato performance, round-robin, and mic output routing.

Kontakt version: 5.6.8 or higher required.

Regular price $439 on sale for only $307.3.

Symphobia 3: Lumina ( PluginFox )

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