Dedicated Drum Effect Plug-in, Tone Empire “Loc-Ness 2” is 64% OFF

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Dedicated Drum Effect Plug-in, Tone Empire “Loc-Ness 2” is 64% OFF.


Loc-Ness 2

Drums… the most crucial part of your mix that can make or break a track.

For decades pro engineers have used various combinations of compressors, pre-amps, eq’s, and saturation to make styles of sounds that stand out.

Not just a compressor or eq, Loc-Ness is the mystical plugin that brings all the right controls and colours for drums to your workstation.

This is a dedicated channel designed for processing Individual Drum Hits, The room sound, and the entire drum bus.

  • Crust (Saturation)
  • Smash (Limiter)
  • Filters
  • Phase
  • Trim Control
  • Attack

Regular price $79 on sale for only $28.

Loc-Ness 2 ( Plugin Boutique )

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