Fusing analog drum machine modeling with advanced features, Softube “Heartbeat” is 50% OFF

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Fusing analog drum machine modeling with advanced features, Softube “Heartbeat” is 50% OFF.



While Heartbeat draws inspiration from the best analog drum synths from the 1980s, it does not emulate any existing drum machine. The sound mostly originates from Softube’s own modeled analog synthesis, which has been augmented with carefully selected waveforms.

In order to make Heartbeat your one stop shop for beat programming, we added a fully featured effects section. It includes slightly adapted versions of our beloved model of Valley People Dyna-mite and one of our top sellers of all time, the TSAR-1 Reverb

  • Eight channels of drum sounds, mostly based on modeled analog synthesis
  • Mixer with volume, EQ, effect sends and panning for each channel
  • Four channel Auto Layer Machine for layering sounds or triggering beat patterns
  • Chaos slider adds randomness to the behavior of Auto Layer Machine
  • Adapted versions of TSAR-1 Reverb and Valley People Dyna-mite included, as well as Filter Echo and output saturation
  • Use Heartbeat’s instrument and EQ modules in Modular (this applies only to these components, not TSAR-1 and Dyna-mite)
  • No iLok USB dongle required

Regular price $139 on sale for only $69.

Heartbeat ( Plugin Boutique )

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