Comprehensive sound generator with 2,500 presets, AIR Music Technology “Xpand!2” is 70% OFF

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Comprehensive sound generator with 2,500 presets, AIR Music Technology “Xpand!2” is 70% OFF.



More than 2,500 presets are available for a comprehensive sound library.

As you can see from the video, it’s a normal soundtrack. It’s also very popular.

It’s easy to use and if you like PCM and multiple sound sources, you’ll love it.

It is also very light and stable in operation. It is a best-selling sound source that has been loved for a long time.

It also contains a lot of orchestral hits, so you can buy it for that reason.

If you don’t have this sound source, it’s a good one to have.

Regular price $99.99 on sale for only $29.

Xpand!2 ( Plugin Boutique )

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