Hybrid kick-only instrument that combines synthesizer sounds with high-quality samples, D16 Group “PunchBOX” is 42% OFF

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Hybrid kick-only instrument that combines synthesizer sounds with high-quality samples, D16 Group “PunchBOX” is 42% OFF.



PunchBOX is a virtual instrument designed for creating high-quality kick drum sounds.

It comes with a vast, exquisite library of presets & sounds created by industry-standard sound designers Sounds of Revolution and CFA-Sound to get you started in no time.

PunchBox is the best of both worlds: expressive synthesized sounds fused with the richness and complexity of real samples bring you top-notch, unheard-of kick sounds that set themselves apart.

Each included sample is its own little masterpiece, crafted with professional experience using top-shelf instruments through the best vintage studio analog gear.

The kick sound synthesizers, originating from D16 highly acclaimed emulations of the classic Roland drum machines, were taken to the next level and customized to perfectly fit the purpose of PunchBox.

At the heart of PunchBox is four sound generators, each a key component of your final kick sound.

Factory settings were created as a jumping-off point to get started in a unique, intuitive and inspiring way.

Sounds of Revolution and CFA-Sound prepared an arsenal of 1100 samples and 800 presets covering the gamut of virtually all contemporary subgenres of electronic music.

It’s never been easier to keep up with & trailblaze your own music production trends while maintaining a high-quality standard.

Organized using the reknowned D16 tagging system, browsing for that perfect sound is as smooth as a 60hz sine wave.

Regular price $85 on sale for only $49.

PunchBOX ( Plugin Boutique )

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