Accurate recreation of the 2-mode Roland Juno 6 chorus, Arturia “Chorus JUN-6” is 50% OFF

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Accurate recreation of the 2-mode Roland Juno 6 chorus, Arturia “Chorus JUN-6” is 50% OFF.


Chorus JUN-6

Chorus JUN-6 is modeled after the iconic stereo effect found in the Roland Juno series of analog polysynths from the ‘80s – your new favorite mix-widening, sound-enhancing tool. Reborn in exquisite sonic detail, there’s no catch, no trial version, no nonsense – just an awesome free effect for you to enjoy right now.

You have until December 29th 2020 to get your gift and enjoy your new studio must-have.

Chorus JUN-6 can be used inside any VST, AAX, or AU compatible recording software.

A recreation of a rare and much-loved analog gem, bringing unique BBD imperfection and the easiest set of FX controls you’ve ever seen for effortlessly warm analog grain. The Juno chorus is unique in its popularity – rather than being a pedal, a rack-mounted unit, or a secret studio weapon, it was built into the classic ‘80s synths of the same name.

But it was more than just a component. More than a handful of controls at the end of the chain.

Chorus JUN-6’s subtle stereo richness has to be heard to be believed.

Regular price $99 on sale for only $49.

Chorus JUN-6 ( Plugin Botique )

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