A drum sampler/sequencer that can recreate the atmosphere of 80’s records, BeatSkillz “Sequel 2” is 64% OFF

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A drum sampler/sequencer that can recreate the atmosphere of 80’s records, BeatSkillz “Sequel 2” is 64% OFF.


Sequel 2

Vintage Drum Sampler / Sequencer

Sequel 2 is a drum sampler/sequencer that brings back the quick vintage drum machine workflow.

It includes a library of famous drum machines and patterns, or add your own samples as well.

It now features a new real-time pitch engine and more sequencer functions per track.

A new global compressor, Eq and reverb are now also added for that 80s Record vibe!

The Library

The Drum Kit Library included is also organized by vintage machines, processed kits, and also, as single category hits like: kick, snare, hats, etc.

This makes it easy to access these beautiful sounds and quickly get a beat going effortlessly, so you can produce and compose faster.

This is like having all the famous vintage drum machines in one box, at your finger tips, without the exorbitant prices they go at today.

Key Features

Want to replace any of the sounds in a kit with your sounds? No Problem.

Just drag and drop your sample file onto the pads or choose from an included file browser built into the plugin.

Sequel 2 is a complete drum sampler with parameters such as pitch shift, Lp / Hp filters, pan, levels, and reverse sample, per pad/sample.

You can also trim your samples by using the sample start and end controls.

This truly brings the quick and straightforward workflow of the Boom bap/hip hop beat-making to your finger tips.

You can also process your sounds using the multi-output for each sample pad to your daw channels and use your plugin collection.

Assign any pad to any MIDI Keynote on a keyboard or controller.

Additional features include sample content moving, so you can easily move your samples and content with one click to another drive without any hassle of copying of configurations.

All Controls on the plugin are MIDI mappable easily with a “right-click”.

We have already assigned the pads for “Akai MPC Mini”, You can also assign the mads to any midi pad controllers.

Library Relocate

Easily place the content on any internal or external drive of your computer and just use the settings icon to locate your library once.

You can move the content anywhere at any time and re-connect it with the plugin.

Regular price $99 on sale for only $35.

Sequel 2 ( Plugin Boutique )

There are many other great products available. Please check them out.

BeatsSkillz March Sale ( Plugin Boutique )

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