Interdimensional strings suite inspired by sci-fi and ancient cultures, MNTRA Instruments “Arca” is 34% OFF

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Interdimensional strings suite inspired by sci-fi and ancient cultures, MNTRA Instruments “Arca” is 34% OFF.



Arca is an exploration into the dark side of string textures.

Inspired by MNTRA Instrument’s love for sci-fi, they set out to create a playground of multidimensional sound possibilities.

Using a selection of ancient bowed world instruments as sources that were then deeply processed to extend their timbres to beyond the realms of imagination, they have created a curated collection of dark, cinematic soundscapes.

Taking full advantage of the MNDALA 2 Sound Design Engine, these unusual sources have been artfully sculpted to offer a wide variety of uniquely expressive sounds.

Arca is built around their powerful 3-axis control system represented by a custom Perform view animation created for seamless intuitive live expression.

Each preset is a unique performable instrument unto itself to be learned and explored.

They simplified the manipulation of these sound-shaping parameters by creating global controls that are assignable to any MIDI sliders, knobs, or controllers.

Map the controls once and you are ready to go without having to re-map them for each new MNDALA 2 instance.

In addition to the curated sound worlds they created within Arca’s many presets, you can easily sculpt your own sonic landscapes using MNDALA 2’s powerful non-linear Sound Design environment.

  • 85 Presets
  • Up to 29 Round Robins
  • Recorded at leading-edge 32-bit 384khz resolution
  • CPU-friendly in-DAW playback at industry-leading 24-bit 96khz resolution
  • Plugin app and samples watermarked to you

Regular price $99 on sale for only $65.

Arca ( Plugin Boutique )

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