A one-knob revolution for album-ready heavy guitars, Bogren Digital “AmpKnob RevC” is 40% OFF

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A one-knob revolution for album-ready heavy guitars, Bogren Digital “AmpKnob RevC” is 40% OFF.


AmpKnob RevC

Creativity first

Imagine if you only needed one single knob to get a great heavy guitar tone?

Imagine if you could experience responsiveness and realism previously unheard of in a plug-in?

With the new AmpKnob RevC, this is becoming a reality. Plug in, rock out and immediately start recording bone-crushing guitars without anything to distract your creativity.

This is NOT a toy

In fact, AmpKnob is already making its way into top-tier productions.

Hear for yourself how AmpKnob RevC works in real-world mixes from a vast selection of styles!

All audio demos were re-created using AmpKnob.

A new standard

Imagine this: you walk straight into a world-class recording studio, carrying your favourite guitar.

Towering before you is the Unholy Grail of rock and metal guitar amps — the classic treadplated RevC with a pre-500 serial number in immaculate condition.

Before your arrival, one of the world’s most experienced metal producers has spent hours carefully selecting and placing microphones to perfectly capture the amp and cabinet.

Everything is set up and ready for you, all you need to do is plug in your guitar and start playing.

Bogren Digital presents AmpKnob RevC, the first in a series of revolutionary one-knob amps from Jens Bogren and Bogren Digital.

Regular price $49.99 on sale for only $29.99.

AmpKnob RevC ( Plugin Boutique )

There are many other great products available. Please check them out.

Bogren Digital Spring Sale ( Plugin Boutique )

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