Plug-ins that emulate analog hardware, Initial Audio “Analog Pro” is 61% OFF

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Plug-ins that emulate analog hardware, Initial Audio “Analog Pro” is 61% OFF.


Analog Pro

Analog Pro brings to life your digital audio by simulating the way Analog hardware such as tape machines, valves and vinyl turntables warm up and saturate your audio.

Analog Pro has a variety of user adjustable controls including Noise Level, Noise Type, Impulse Type, Impulse Mix, Emphasis, Stereo, Lowcut, Highcut, Wow, Flutter and Amount, giving plenty of scope for the user to adjust the sound to their liking.

Regular price $53.9 on sale for only $20.9.

Analog Pro ( Plugin Boutique )

There are many other great products available. Please check them out.

Initial Audio 10th Anniversary Sale ( Plugin Boutique )

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