67% off Red Room Audio “SAGA – Acoustic Trailer Percussion”, Acoustic Trailer Percussion Instrument Library

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67% off Red Room Audio “SAGA – Acoustic Trailer Percussion”, Acoustic Trailer Percussion Instrument Library.


SAGA – Acoustic Trailer Percussion

SAGA is an extensive collection of thunderous drum ensembles, dynamic metals, world instruments and other acoustic percussion focused on providing impact and scale to cinematic and trailer music.

SATP features a broad range of deeply sampled instruments and articulations recorded on a scoring stage, including orchestral and world drum ensembles, world drum soloists, cymbals and gongs, oil drums, anvils and a plethora of large metal slams and crashes.

FULL version of Kontakt required.

Regular price $149 on sale for only $49.

SAGA – Acoustic Trailer Percussion

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