Equipped with 7,800 sounds for film music and cinematic sound design, Aviram Dayan Production “Aviram Music Box” is 90% OFF

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Equipped with 7,800 sounds for film music and cinematic sound design, Aviram Dayan Production “Aviram Music Box” is 90% OFF.


Aviram Music Box

Aviram Music Box features 6 different articulations and multiple ways to play them with the mod wheel.

The position of the mod-wheel determines the playing style of the selected note, and there are controls to adjust the amount of “winding noise” and “air”, which tend to give it more personality and realism.

With loads of virtual instruments with different sounds it’s a bit of a Pandora’s box of sounds.

Requires the FULL version of Kontakt v 5.4.1 and above.

Regular price $129 on sale for only $13.

Aviram Music Box

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