[FREE] A beautiful multi-sampled violin with a lot of character and charm, SampleScience “French Violin” is available for free

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A beautiful multi-sampled violin with a lot of character and charm, SampleScience “French Violin” is available for free.


French Violin

French Violin is a beautiful multi-sampled violin with a lot of character and charm.

Played to sound authentic, French Violin has a very warm and natural sound.

It’s the perfect violin plugin to add a touch of strings to your music production without using GBs of hard drive space.

French Violin comes with 6 articulations: arco vibrato, arco non-vibrato, pizzicato vibrato, pizzicato non-vibrato, spiccato, and tremolo.

  • 6 articulations
  • One sample per note
  • Multi-LFO
  • Room reverb
  • Low CPU usage
  • Highpass/Lowpass filter
  • Amplitude range controls
  • 3 voice modes: polyphonic, monophonic, and legato

French Violin

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