DEAL– category –
The digital echo/reverb plug-in, Audiority “Polaris” is 50% OFF
The digital echo/reverb plug-in, Audiority "Polaris" is 50% OFF. Polaris Polaris is an echo/reverb plugin inspired by early hardware digital reverbs of the late 1970s and ... -
A one-knob revolution for album-ready heavy guitars, Bogren Digital “AmpKnob RevC” is 40% OFF
A one-knob revolution for album-ready heavy guitars, Bogren Digital "AmpKnob RevC" is 40% OFF. AmpKnob RevC Creativity first Imagine if you only needed one single knob to get a great heavy guit... -
Exciting and powerful effects engine, Output “Movement” is 49% OFF
Exciting and powerful effects engine, Output "Movement" is 49% OFF. Movement Welcome to MOVEMENT, an exciting and powerful effects engine that adds simple to mind-bending rhythms to any input i... -
Quadruples your audio with four-way chorus processing, W.A.Production “Orchid” is 60% OFF
Quadruples your audio with four-way chorus processing, W.A.Production "Orchid" is 60% OFF. Orchid This is chorus on steroids. Taking inspiration from the thick and wet studio processing of the ... -
Soft, clean and transparent sounding program-dependent compressor, Caelum Audio “Smoov” is 52% OFF
Soft, clean and transparent sounding program-dependent compressor, Caelum Audio "Smoov" is 52% OFF. Smoov Smoov is a soft, clean and transparent sounding program-dependent compressor. It takes ... -
Multi-effects processor designed to facilitate the creation of contorted artifacts, Glitchmachines “Convex” is 89% OFF
Multi-effects processor designed to facilitate the creation of contorted artifacts, Glitchmachines "Convex" is 89% OFF. Convex Convex is a multi-effects processor designed to facilitate the cre... -
Collection of samples derived from many different kinds of bells, AudioThing “Bells” is 35% OFF
Collection of samples derived from many different kinds of bells, AudioThing "Bells" is 35% OFF. Bells As the name suggests, Bells is a collection of samples derived from many different kinds o... -
Based on the Altec 9069B High Pass Filter, AudioThing “Dub Filter” is 35% OFF
Based on the Altec 9069B High Pass Filter, AudioThing "Dub Filter" is 35% OFF. Dub Filter King Tubby’s Big Knob Dub Filter is a filter plugin modeled after King Tubby’s iconic Big Knob, a passi... -
Complex effects processor and feedback synthesizer, AudioThing “Lines” is 35% OFF
Complex effects processor and feedback synthesizer, AudioThing "Lines" is 35% OFF. Lines Complex Effects Processor and Feedback Synthesizer Lines is an effect plugin that crosses borders: it ca... -
Multi-effect audio plugin with the sole purpose, to make your tracks sound BEEFY, Caelum Audio “Beef” is 50% OFF
Multi-effect audio plugin with the sole purpose, to make your tracks sound BEEFY, Caelum Audio "Beef" is 50% OFF. Beef Beef is a multi-effect audio plugin with the sole purpose, to mak... -
Half Speed Effect Plug-in, Initial Audio “SlowMo” is 74% OFF
Half Speed Effect Plug-in, Initial Audio "SlowMo" is 74% OFF. SlowMo SlowMo slows down your mixes, instruments, vocals and even effect channels by 100% in realtime. Especi... -
Plug-ins that emulate analog hardware, Initial Audio “Analog Pro” is 61% OFF
Plug-ins that emulate analog hardware, Initial Audio "Analog Pro" is 61% OFF. Analog Pro Analog Pro brings to life your digital audio by simulating the way Analog hardware...