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Hybrid synthesizer with analog style sounds as well as hybrid wavetable sounds, Rob Papen “Predator-3” is 33% OFF
Hybrid synthesizer with analog style sounds as well as hybrid wavetable sounds, Rob Papen "Predator-3" is 33% OFF. Predator-3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB1SxbjxX6I A Powerhouse Synthesizer That Combines User-Friendliness and Deep S... -
Dark and melancholic sounds of slap & bass house, W.A.Production “Slap & Bass House Euphoria” released. Intro price 70% OFF
Dark and melancholic sounds of slap & bass house, W.A.Production "Slap & Bass House Euphoria" released. Intro price 70% OFF. Slap & Bass House Euphoria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Dq_z1dzqxI The dark, melancholy sounds o... -
Digitally recreates the legendary 560 vintage American console equalizer, Volko Audio “QG Equalizer” is 50% OFF
Digitally recreates the legendary 560 vintage American console equalizer, Volko Audio "QG Equalizer" is 50% OFF. QG Equalizer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCFBxHb73H0 The equalizer allows you to chisel your signals with surgical preci... -
A Muted Instrument Emulator, LIBREWAVE “Sordina” is 84% off
A Muted Instrument Emulator, LIBREWAVE "Sordina" is 84% off. Sordina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFP6yUvOqvE Sordina works by using detailed impulse responses created through the analysis of real-world recordings of muted and un-mute... -
【37%OFF】Softube Model 72 Synthesizer System release
Softube "Model 72 Synthesizer" release, which faithfully models the 1972 minimoog. Model 72 Synthesizer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNbGcAntPnE&feature=emb_title A component that models the 1972 hardware unit in every detail, it ...