Smart Parallel Multiband Dynamics Processor, Leapwing Audio “DynOne” is 25% OFF
Smart Parallel Multiband Dynamics Processor, Leapwing Audio "DynOne" is 25% OFF. DynOne DynOne is a smarter parallel multi-band dynamics processor. The load is high, but a high-quality, short-time multi-band comp that is unbeatable. Exqu... -
A phase distortion reproduction of CASIO’s CZ series, Plugin Boutique “VirtualCZ” is 75% OFF
A phase distortion reproduction of CASIO's CZ series, Plugin Boutique "VirtualCZ" is 75% OFF. VirtualCZ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4SKkYm4VDo&feature=emb_title It is developed based on the flagship model CZ-1 of the CZ series. ... -
Preset Pack for Sylenth1, W.A.Production “Pumped: Sylenth1 Future Bass Essentials” is 70% OFF
Preset Pack for Sylenth1, W.A.Production "Pumped: Sylenth1 Future Bass Essentials" is 70% OFF. Pumped: Sylenth1 Future Bass Essentials Includes gritty bass sounds, shimmering synths and airy leads. There are 91 presets available for Syle... -
Which bundles all 40 products of Rigid Audio, “Rigid Audio Everything Bundle” is 98% OFF
Which bundles all 40 products of Rigid Audio, "Rigid Audio Everything Bundle" is 98% OFF. Rigid Audio Everything Bundle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYLer4uh-6I This bundle comprises of all 40 products from Rigid Audio. Included produ... -
[FREE]Multi-sampled electric piano recorded “hot” on tape in a small room, SampleScience “Dirty ePiano” is available for free
Multi-sampled electric piano recorded "hot" on tape in a small room, SampleScience "Dirty ePiano" is available for free. Dirty ePiano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qiN2KzNqMk Dirty ePiano is a multi-sampled electric piano recorde... -
Can dramatically alter the timbre and pitch of monophonic audio, Polyverse “Manipulator” is 33% OFF
Can dramatically alter the timbre and pitch of monophonic audio, Polyverse "Manipulator" is 33% OFF. Manipulator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwfl3bRmv8Y&t=2s Through unique granular algorithms, Manipulator can dramatically alter ... -
The Ultimate Sub Bass Plug-In, Iceberg Audio “The Sub” is 50% OFF
The Ultimate Sub Bass Plug-In, Iceberg Audio “The Sub” is 50% OFF. The Sub https://www.youtube.com/embed/TPkLnftWyZo Producers tell us The Sub has become their go-to instrument for sub bass because it delivers the best sound and focuses ... -
All-in-one single-screen guitar solution, United Plugins “Electrum” is 87% OFF
All-in-one single-screen guitar solution, United Plugins "Electrum" is 87% OFF. Electrum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXpnpfraXDw&t=2s Electrum is the all-in-one single-screen guitar solution. The last amplifier and pedalboard you... -
Produces breathtakingly vivid and dynamic FM sounds, Native Instruments “FM8” is 80% OFF
Produces breathtakingly vivid and dynamic FM sounds, Native Instruments "FM8" is 80% OFF. FM8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx_L9dPIa78 Native Instruments has harnessed the power of FM synthesis. The strengths of digital are manifest i... -
High Quality Bit Crusher, D16 Group “Decimort 2” is 40% OFF
High Quality Bit Crusher, D16 Group "Decimort 2" is 40% OFF. Decimort 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSTognIzhnQ&feature=emb_title Decimort effect unit (available as part of the SilverLine collection of plugins from D16) is a prem... -
EQ plug-in that maximizes bass, MIA Laboratories “Super Fat” is 86% OFF
EQ plug-in that maximizes bass, MIA Laboratories "Super Fat" is 86% OFF. Super Fat https://soundcloud.com/user-958066539/sets/super-fat A unique combination of the Musiqual EQs, with a final magic touch of Pi&Phi that sets you “One k... -
Software with various digital audio editing functions, IrcamLAB “TS2” is 85% OFF
Software with various digital audio editing functions, IrcamLAB "TS2" is 85% OFF. TS2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPyTbHU0XAk&feature=emb_title IrcamLAB “TS2” sets a new standard in digital audio editing. It is a powerful audio t...