A high quality EQ for mixing based on minimal phase algorithm, Softube “Weiss EQ MP” is 65% OFF
A high quality EQ for mixing based on minimal phase algorithm, Softube "Weiss EQ MP" is 65% OFF. Weiss EQ MP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_0-2ldRRqM&feature=emb_title Important Note: This product is included with Weiss ... -
Mastering processor the unit no serious mastering engineer can do without, Softube “Weiss DS1-MK3” is 50% OFF
Mastering processor the unit no serious mastering engineer can do without, Softube "Weiss DS1-MK3" is 50% OFF. Weiss DS1-MK3 https://www.youtube.com/embed/d_KqzqeNvEY The actual machine is a high-end machine with a mastering processor th... -
An easy to use tilt EQ plugin with mid/side mode, AudioThing “Things – Flip EQ” is 50% OFF
An easy to use tilt EQ plugin with mid/side mode, AudioThing "Things – Flip EQ" is 50% OFF. Things – Flip EQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob4M7sPZhOs Things Flip EQ is an easy to use tilt EQ plugin with mid/side mode. Turn the main kn... -
Channel Strip Plug-in, PSP Audioware “PSP InfiniStrip” is 50% OFF
Channel Strip Plug-in, PSP Audioware "PSP InfiniStrip" is 50% OFF. PSP InfiniStrip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9_1KON8fZk PSP InfiniStrip is an infinitely configurable channel strip plug-in based on 20 years of experience in develop... -
Unlock the full potential of your stereo signal, MeldaProduction “MCenter” is 61% OFF
Unlock the full potential of your stereo signal, MeldaProduction "MCenter" is 61% OFF. MCenter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfupfMgOAQU Melda Production designed MCenter to unlock the full potential of your stereo signal. This simple ... -
Linear phase EQ plug-in, Photosounder “SplineEQ” is 34% OFF
Linear phase EQ plug-in, Photosounder "SplineEQ" is 34% OFF. SplineEQ This is a linear phase EQ with up to 60 bands. By affecting only the intensity of the frequency, it provides better sound quality than a typical equalizer. It also has... -
Parametric Equalizer Plug-in, Acon Digital “Equalize” is 25% OFF
Parametric Equalizer Plug-in, Acon Digital "Equalize" is 25% OFF. Equalize https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHNxpoEE6R4 Acon Digital Equalize is a parametric equalizer plug-in that combines unique features with excellent workflow and an i... -
Directly control the harmonics of any monophonic audio material, MeldaProduction “MCharacter” is 50% OFF
Directly control the harmonics of any monophonic audio material, MeldaProduction "MCharacter" is 50% OFF. MCharacter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoYp1gpekkE&t=1s MCharacter is a unique tool, that lets you directly control the har... -
Electromechanical Reverb, Soundtoys “Little Plate” is 70% OFF
Electromechanical Reverb, Soundtoys "Little Plate" is 70% OFF. Little Plate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cio7zhnIIvg The lush sound of plate reverb – with a modern twist. The unmistakable plate reverb sound – warm, rich and spacious –... -
Which covers all hip-hop drum sounds from 1990-2010, DopeSONIX “Beat Machine 2” is 50% OFF
Which covers all hip-hop drum sounds from 1990-2010, DopeSONIX "Beat Machine 2" is 50% OFF. Beat Machine 2 Includes 600 new pre-mixed drum kits covering the entire range of hip-hop. Consists of over 1200 dope drum samples, EQ’d and proce... -
A faithful emulation of the legendary ALTEC passive analog equalizers range from the ’50s, Nomad Factory “All-Tec EQs V2” is 71% OFF
A faithful emulation of the legendary ALTEC passive analog equalizers range from the '50s, Nomad Factory "All-Tec EQs V2" is 71% OFF. All-Tec EQs V2 The All-Tec EQs plug-in is a faithful emulation of the legendary ALTEC passive analog eq... -
Achieve an animated soundscape and surreal vibration, UJAM “Finisher DYNAMO” is 50% OFF
Achieve an animated soundscape and surreal vibration, UJAM "Finisher DYNAMO" is 50% OFF. Finisher DYNAMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm8k557nyts&t=1s With Finisher DYNAMO you embark on a journey through animated soundscapes and s...