Dedicated to pitching, transforming, doubling and harmonizing vocals and other monophonic sources, BLEASS “BLEASS Voices” is 43% OFF
Dedicated to pitching, transforming, doubling and harmonizing vocals and other monophonic sources, BLEASS "BLEASS Voices" is 43% OFF. BLEASS Voices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL-8C4R5-Rk BLEASS Voices is a flexible and powerful audi... -
With Pitch Monster, Formant, and Robotastic Vocoder Engine, Devious Machines “Pitch Monster” is 25% OFF
With Pitch Monster, Formant, and Robotastic Vocoder Engine, Devious Machines "Pitch Monster" is 25% OFF. Pitch Monster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jvPmKjWs6I&feature=emb_title Transform a solo vocal into a beautiful choir or rob... -
Unique multitrack analyzer and sonogram, MeldaProduction “MMultiAnalyzer” is 50% OFF
Unique multitrack analyzer and sonogram, MeldaProduction "MMultiAnalyzer" is 50% OFF. MMultiAnalyzer Spectrum Spectrum displays the frequency of each track. This is a feature that you can find in other plug-ins. However, by plugging in m... -
Hybrid kick-only instrument that combines synthesizer sounds with high-quality samples, D16 Group “PunchBOX” is 42% OFF
Hybrid kick-only instrument that combines synthesizer sounds with high-quality samples, D16 Group "PunchBOX" is 42% OFF. PunchBOX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQPeG7-R1Xk PunchBOX is a virtual instrument designed for creating high-qua... -
Breathe life into your guitar amp sims and cabinet impulse responses, Bogren Digital “IRDX Core” is 30% OFF
Breathe life into your guitar amp sims and cabinet impulse responses, Bogren Digital "IRDX Core" is 30% OFF. IRDX Core https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWKJzISVKM4 Breathe life into your guitar amp sims and cabinet impulse responses. Simp... -
Glitch effect tool can loop the real time audio to apply time and pitch changes, Audio Blast “InstaLooper 3” is 69% OFF
Glitch effect tool can loop the real time audio to apply time and pitch changes, Audio Blast "InstaLooper 3" is 69% OFF. InstaLooper 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuAL4_n-fCc&t=53s Instalooper3 – This glitch effect tool can loop ... -
Multiband Exciter/Loudness Maximizer Plug-in, Audiority “Harmonic Maximizer” is 50% OFF
Multiband Exciter/Loudness Maximizer Plug-in, Audiority "Harmonic Maximizer" is 50% OFF. Harmonic Maximizer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ighpk6ij1jQ Harmonic Maximizer is a multi-band exciter and loudness shaping plugin that will make... -
Multiband Vocal Processor, DJ Swivel “The Sauce” is 50% OFF
Multiband Vocal Processor, DJ Swivel "The Sauce" is 50% OFF. The Sauce https://www.youtube.com/embed/-Q321IxAOTk This powerful multi-band vocal processor is overseen by Grammy award-winning producer and mixing engineer DJ Swivel. Quickly... -
Quickly and easily create mysterious ambient soundscapes and more, Big Fish Audio “Ambient Minimalism 2: The Dark Side” is 30% OFF
Quickly and easily create mysterious ambient soundscapes and more, Big Fish Audio “Ambient Minimalism 2: The Dark Side” is 30% OFF. Ambient Minimalism 2: The Dark Side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzNnUj0T9Ps&t=1s Ambient Minimali... -
Eliminating cymbal bleed while preserving the integrity of your original sound, Black Salt Audio “Silencer” is 28% OFF
Eliminating cymbal bleed while preserving the integrity of your original sound, Black Salt Audio "Silencer" is 28% OFF. Silencer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fu6Og117tiU Cymbal bleed is the enemy of great drum mixes. Traditional gates... -
Creating atmospheric sounds and unearthly textures, Have Audio “UAP” is 40% OFF
Creating atmospheric sounds and unearthly textures, Have Audio "UAP" is 40% OFF. UAP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94jwJXcVVSA “UAP Unique Audio Plugin” brings you a unique alien engine to push your music and sound design to another di... -
Based on the famous sounds of Techno-Pop from the 90s, BeatSkillz “Tekno Keyz” is 64% OFF
Based on the famous sounds of Techno-Pop from the 90s, BeatSkillz "Tekno Keyz" is 64% OFF. Tekno Keyz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ice_3i1_A78&feature=emb_imp_woyt This plugin brings sounds inspired by the works of famous acts suc...