A huge sound palette with various textures and flavor’s to choose from, Xclusive Audio “The Morpheus Kontakt Library” is 90% OFF
A huge sound palette with various textures and flavor’s to choose from, Xclusive Audio "The Morpheus Kontakt Library" is 90% OFF. The Morpheus Kontakt Library https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAUerVCANwo The Morpheus Kontakt Library provi... -
[FREE]With over 50 presets in different moods and styles, Triple Spiral Audio “Deep Conjuring 2 Freebie for Kontakt” is available for free
With over 50 presets in different moods and styles, Triple Spiral Audio "Deep Conjuring 2 Freebie for Kontakt" is available for free. Deep Conjuring 2 Freebie for Kontakt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0Y2xdAmO3g This is the free versi... -
A guitar riff generation plug-in that covers everything from funky clean pop to indie rock hits, UJAM “Virtual Guitarist SPARKLE” is 69% OFF
A guitar riff generation plug-in that covers everything from funky clean pop to indie rock hits, UJAM "Virtual Guitarist SPARKLE" is 69% OFF. SPARKLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je7NuvJc4Aw&feature=emb_title Virtual Guitarist SPA... -
A comprehensive and holistic approach to the real sound and vibes of the legendary Hammond B-3, IK Multimedia “Hammond B-3X” is 67% OFF
A comprehensive and holistic approach to the real sound and vibes of the legendary Hammond B-3, IK Multimedia "Hammond B-3X" is 67% OFF. Hammond B-3X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfOBxJQrjBo Hammond B-3X is the next-level organ virtua... -
[FREE]Created in partnership with YouTuber and mad scientist engineer Mattias Krantz, Impact Soundworks “The 88E” is available for free
Created in partnership with YouTuber and mad scientist engineer Mattias Krantz, Impact Soundworks "The 88E" is available for free. The 88E https://soundcloud.com/isworks/sets/the-88e-demos What if you tuned every note on a piano to “E”, ... -
A monster 808 plugin ready to make your beats, Brandon Chapa “808 LAB VST” is 34% OFF
A monster 808 plugin ready to make your beats, Brandon Chapa "808 LAB VST" is 34% OFF. 808 LAB VST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seJaNtAGi7A Brandon had an idea for an 808 vst plugin for his producer friends and hired The Infinit-Audio... -
[FREE]With a total of 25 types of heavy impact, Ghosthack “FREE CINEMATIC IMPACTS 2022” is available for free
With a total of 25 types of heavy impact, Ghosthack "FREE CINEMATIC IMPACTS 2022" is available for free. FREE CINEMATIC IMPACTS 2022 As the launch of our 'Tesseract 2 - Hybrid Scoring Tools' sound pack was that successful, we decided to ... -
[UGRITONE’S B-DAY SALE] Deathcore style drumming, Ugritone “Deathcore Essentials MIDI Pack” is 67% OFF
Deathcore style drumming, Ugritone "Deathcore Essentials MIDI Pack" is 67% OFF. Deathcore Essentials MIDI Pack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0k-ta03TAE Blastbeats, doublebass, buildups and a boatload of fills to choose from. Populariz... -
[FREE]1.1GB of Samples Designed by 3x Grammy winning producer S1(SymbolycOne), ProdSecrets “Impact” is available for free
1.1GB of Samples Designed by 3x Grammy winning producer S1(SymbolycOne), ProdSecrets "Impact" is available for free. Impact This pack includes 1.1GB of incredible samples crafted by 3x Grammy winning producer S1. Inside you’ll find every... -
A standalone software developed to transform and perform your audio samples, Digital Brain Instruments “Transformer” is 50% OFF
A standalone software developed to transform and perform your audio samples, Digital Brain Instruments "Transformer" is 50% OFF. Transformer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOj-Zzr7_SY Transformer is a standalone software developed to tr... -
Which creates energetic and chordal textures, Ben Osterhouse “String Flow Cello” is 50% OFF
Which creates energetic and chordal textures, Ben Osterhouse "String Flow Cello" is 50% OFF. String Flow Cello https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsCWs2jOMuA String Flow Cello samples a technique string players use, in which they quickly ro... -
A transparent yet extremely musical processors suite, Acustica Audio “ACQUA – Ivory5” is 65% OFF
A transparent yet extremely musical processors suite, Acustica Audio "ACQUA - Ivory5" is 65% OFF. ACQUA - Ivory5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ9m6Ni7Fjg IVORY5 is a VST/AAX/AU plug-in suite which includes 2 equalizers, 2 compressors,...