Best Service is having a Black Friday Sale. Various sound libraries are 40% off

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Best Service is having a Black Friday Sale.

Various sound libraries are 40% off.


Celtic ERA

A library of sound sources for Celtic instruments.

  • 18GB library with more than 18,000 samples
  • 23 brass, string and percussion instruments in full detail and with imMaculate quality
  • Three additional instruments from the Bronze Age: Cranyx, Cornu and War Horns
  • All instruments are elaborated multi-samples (24 bit/ 44,1 kHz) with several dynamic graduations, various articulations, round robin and real legato samples as well as dedicated glissando samples
  • Recorded using selected Kahayan U47-microphones into preamplifiers by the same manufacturer
  • All instruments have been played by superb musicians of the Irish music scene
  • Including authentic phrases as MIDI-patterns as well as inspiring soundscapes

Regular price $259.00 on sale for only $155.40.

Best Service Celtic ERA

Dark ERA

A library of over 50 types of folk instrument sound sources.

The fascinating sound of Dark ERA ranges from the transcendental drones of the ancient stringed-harp Tagelharpa to the unmatched grace of the gut-stringed Lyre to the distinctive and characteristic sound of the Nordic bone flutes and the overtone flute Fujara.

Goosebumps are guaranteed with the sound of war horns such as the wooden Lur, thunderous mighty percussion, a full ensemble of frame-drums as well as mystical throat chants.

Regular price $259.00 on sale for only $154.40.

Best Service Dark ERA

Chris Hein Ensemble Strings

Chris Hein Ensemble Strings is an incredibly detailed, flexible and musical string-ensemble-library.

A special characteristic of this library is the fact that the ensemble-sounds have not been recorded in a group. Instead, the carefully selected and matched instruments have been recorded separately and edited.

Consequently, each instrument is perfectly in tune, offers excellence in timing and still (or thereby) seamlessly fits the ensemble’s sonic character. You won’t find a wrong note that ruins the whole ensemble.

Recorded with the greatest care, precisely edited and combined into ten useful Kontakt Player instruments with a custom-made user interface and comprehensive scripting, Chris Hein Ensemble Strings offers highest sound-quality, lots of articulations and incredibly realistic results.

Regular price $399.00 on sale for only $239.40.

Best Service Chris Hein Ensemble Strings

Other deals.

Best Service Black Friday Sale

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