EQ Plugin of providing that classical, yet still so interesting, 1990’s sound, MIA Laboratories “Musiqual Green SE” is 25% OFF

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EQ Plugin of providing that classical, yet still so interesting, 1990’s sound, MIA Laboratories “Musiqual Green SE” is 25% OFF.


Musiqual Green SE

The Musiqual tools encapsulate all the characteristics and inner workings of their analog counterparts and provide the user with a simple way to achieve the perfect combination of tone and color.

Musiqual GREEN is a semi-parametric EQ, delivering a fairly transparent sound with the ‘transistor’ flavor that is so characteristic of analog technology.

‘Colouring’ choice is soft and discrete, handing over complete control of the level of ‘colouring’ to the user. Musiqual GREEN liberates the user by not restricting one into preset bands, therefore leaving them complete access to the full frequency range.

Musiqual GREEN adds or subtracts color, providing that classical, yet still so interesting, 1990’s sound. 

  • Transistor flavored, semi-parametric EQ
  • Soft and discrete coloration, with transparent sound
  • No preset bands. Access to the full frequency range

Regular price $39 on sale for only $29.

Musiqual Green SE

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