[FREE] Unique new drag and drop sampler, Skybox Audio “Drop Designer” is available for free

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Unique new drag and drop sampler, Skybox Audio “Drop Designer” is available for free.


Drop Designer

Turn those bland sample packs into inspiration fast with a unique new drag and drop sampler from skybox.

Pitch and Volume Detection
Instantly map samples to the most usable range while making up for missing volume

Velocity Modeling
Turn single samples into expressive instruments with an organic multi-sampled feel

Fast Tweaking
Finesse or mangle the original sample’s tone and timbre quickly with easy controls

Time Stretching and Sync
Keep samples in time while changing pitch and sync rhythmic loops to your host tempo

Inspiring FX Presets
Sauce it up quick with lots of multi-effects presets that add that drip to your drops

Fresh Drops
With 50 new one-shots and melodies from Hammers + Waves to get you started

Full Kontakt version 6.5.0 or higher required.

Drop Designer

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