[FREE] Which contains all kinds of 8-bit style FX that are ideal for retro games, DMP Authority “8-Bit Retro Gaming FX” is available for free

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Which contains all kinds of 8-bit style FX that are ideal for retro games, DMP Authority “8-Bit Retro Gaming FX” is available for free.


8-Bit Retro Gaming FX

Whip out that zap gun and load up on 1-ups because we’re about to get down and retro…

With indie game dev on the rise, game developers, music producers, and sound engineers are once again creating retro games for all sorts of platforms.

Inside this pack you’ll find all sorts of 8-bit style FX from jumps, coins, booms, deaths and more.

Perfect for adding the right FX to your game… or your insane chip-tune music!

This pack was created using the incredible free(!) and ridiculously fun standalone synth ChipTone, specifically designed for 8-bit sounding game FX.

A few hundred samples later, plus a little custom processing and you got yourself a retro gaming sample pack.

8-Bit Retro Gaming FX

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