[FREE]A virtual instrument based on a series of damaged singing bowl recordings that have been restored, Sample Science “Singing Bowl Renaissance” is available for free

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A virtual instrument based on a series of damaged singing bowl recordings that have been restored, Sample Science “Singing Bowl Renaissance” is available for free.


Singing Bowl Renaissance

Singing Bowl Renaissance is a virtual instrument based on a series of damaged singing bowl recordings that have been restored.

A combination of audio engineering techniques has been used to make these singing bowl samples great: spectral repair, adaptative noise removal, and manual retuning.

The result is a unique instrument that has a sound of its own.

Perfect for meditation music production and any new age/ambient styles.

  • 20 singing bowl sounds
  • Multi-LFO
  • Room reverb
  • Lowpass/highpass filter
  • Low-CPU usage
  • Amplitude range controls
  • 3 voice modes: polyphonic, monophonic, and legato

Singing Bowl Renaissance

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