Featuring a comprehensive collection of video game background music and a good variety, Cinetools “Gameplay Cues” is 50% OFF

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Featuring a comprehensive collection of video game background music and a good variety, Cinetools “Gameplay Cues” is 50% OFF.


Gameplay Cues

SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio

Every game needs music and it plays a key role in drawing players in.

Good gaming music can amplify immersion within the virtual world and can be as evocative and detailed as those in films, offering powerful listening experiences on their own.

But creating an original soundtrack takes a lot of time.

Don’t worry we are here to help you to find the perfect musical expression for your next production with our newest library “Gameplay Cues”; featuring a comprehensive collection of video game background music and a good variety of moods from action to ambient, animation to arcade, emotional to epic, ethnic to horror, mystery to sci-fi and perfectly fits anything you want to add.

So what we can say, this series will give you the freedom to create instant movie trailers like a PRO in seconds!

Samples are managed in the cloud

The biggest advantage is that all the large libraries you purchase from Loopmasters are stored in the cloud. The best part is that you can download and use only what you need.

You don’t have to worry about storage overwhelm.And because it’s stored in the cloud, you can access your entire collection from any device.

No matter how much it increases, it is safe. By the way, you can manage your samples as well.

Regular price $86.69 on sale for only $43.34.

Gameplay Cues

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